We created Perculus for

Helping trainers, instructors, and teachers to deliver more engaging, fun and collaborative training to achieve better learning outcome.

Get the most out of your live training.

Plan Ahead, Save Teaching Time

All the learning activities in a live session is planned ahead to save time during session

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More Interactive, Better Engagement

Boost engamement and learning through learning activities

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Data Driven Learning

Deliver your training based on instant data to boost learners performance

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Designed for trainers, refined with users.
We love trainers and students. This is why we are working for the best experience for all.

Perculus is founded and backed by

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Zafer Gurel
aka Zaff
Zaff has 20 years experience in tech development and managing. The systems he developed and operated served 500K daily learners
Zaff's bio on Linkedin
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aka Jim
Jim has 20 years of experience as a founder and business developer. Jim is responsible for team, marketing and finance
Jim's bio on Linkedin
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the EdTech Giant
Enocta is the international digital learning provider with 3M learners worldwide. Enocta also invests in EdTech companies for its ecosystem.
More on Enocta
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Boğaziçi Ventures
the EdTech Funders
Boğaziçi Ventures power startups that brings value to people and society. Due to its' impact, EdTech is where most investment is made
Meet with Boğaziçi Ventures

Advisors of Perculus

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Ali Cengiz BEĞEN
Ali Cengiz BEĞEN has worked on research and development in the areas of IP video systems, network support for concurrent media, video transport and end-to-end video distribution since 2007. In 2020, he was recognized as one of the world's most influential scientists in the networking and telecommunications subfield.
A.C. BEGEN's bio on Linkedin
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Ecmel AYRAL has been involved in local and international initiatives in the fields of finance, real estate, corporate training throughout his business life since 1983. He lectures at Boğaziçi University and Istanbul Bilgi University. He continues to work in the field of "learning-development", which he sees as him life purpose, within the UnLearn Academy and Poliversity initiatives, of which he is one of the founders.
E. AYRAL's bio on Linkedin