Features and Comparisons

Everything About Blended Learning: A Guide For Teachers

Blended learning is a method of teaching that utilizes both in-person attendance and digital materials. It is an innovative way to maximize the output of teaching efforts, drawing advantage from both the digital and the physical end.

As the digitalization process is faster than ever, thanks to the pandemic, blended learning techniques are getting more common than traditional education methods. The pandemic and digitalization are not the sole motivators for this, though. Blended learning is proven to be more effective than traditional education.

A study from 2018 demonstrates that students who used blended learning performed better than the control group, which only used traditional techniques.

In this post, we will touch on what blended learning is, its benefits for instructors and students, and how teachers can best utilize it.



The difference between blended learning and hybrid learning

Blended learning is often confused with hybrid learning. Those terms have a lot in common, and people use them for one another. But they are not identical.

Hybrid learning refers to the same lessons being both online and in-person. That means online and in-person students can attend the same lessons synchronously. Hybrid learning provides this flexibility to the learners.

Blended learning, on the other hand, is not synchronous for both sides. Classes are either fully online or fully offline. Students cannot join the same lesson from different domains. That being said, blended learning still provides advantages for teachers and students as it utilizes digital methods.

Both hybrid learning and blended learning have advantages. However, each method has to compromise on certain aspects. For instance, blended learning is more convenient in terms of communication as every student attends the class the same way. Then again, it does not offer the location flexibility of hybrid learning.

How does blended learning work?

During the post-pandemic transition period, more and more educational institutions and workplaces around the world started utilizing blended learning.

In this method of education, classes take place in a pre-designated online or offline classroom. Online students cannot attend offline lectures. Online lectures, on the other hand, do not need to be synchronous. They are often recorded for students who might need to watch them later, which is a great convenience blended learning offers for learners.

The advantages of blended learning

As blended learning makes the best of both physical and online realms, it has great advantages to offer for teachers and students. Here are some of its benefits for teachers:

  • Teachers do not have to hold synchronous lectures. They can upload pre-recorded ones if interactivity is not required.
  • Keeping track of assignments is easy, thanks to digital tools. Instructors do not have to physically distribute and collect handouts.
  • Utilizing digital tools, teachers can assess their students' performance topic by topic to emphasize the weak points.

The benefits of blended learning are not only for teachers but also for students. Here's what this method holds for learners:

  • Students can watch the recorded online lectures asynchronously, which offers them flexibility in terms of time.
  • Even when the classes are offline, learners can access the required material without the burden of physically carrying it.
  • Both recorded lectures and the class material, which can be accessed online, can help students reinforce what they learn outside the class hours.

In addition to those points, blended learning does not have to compromise on the communication and social interaction front for students. As offline classes are reinforced, not replaced with digital tools, lectures can still be held in a physical classroom.

What are some of its challenges?

Even though blended learning has some practical advantages over hybrid learning, it can still be disrupted by the common setbacks of digital learning methods. However, there is nothing to worry about as long as instructors take the necessary precautions.

Here are some of the possible problems instructors can face while implementing a blended learning program, along with their solutions.

Uploading & accessing online material

Using big files can be a setback for the whole class as it takes more time. While it is hard for instructors to upload those kinds of files, students need to have a fast and stable connection to easily download them.

Therefore, file sharing is a common problem in online learning. Not a hard one to solve, though.

All you need to conveniently access common material is using a cloud-based solution. That way, no student will have to spend much time opening a file by downloading it.

In addition to cloud technologies, using standardized applications can help provide a more accessible online classroom. No student will have to use any unfamiliar tool, which removes the hassle.

Teachers can also determine a size limit for files that students have to upload. Minimizing the files can speed up the process.

The temptation for more stimulation

Students do not feel stimulated enough in class. They do not love listening to lectures, after all. Even though this problem is observed in physical classes, it's more prevalent and detrimental in online classes. That's because students can easily surf the internet during the sessions.

So as to encourage the students to be more engaged in the class, teachers can make use of the required tools.

Perculus is a great way to make online learning more fun. With various features it has like breakout rooms and gamification, this tool can increase students' engagement in online classes. This is why more than 200.000 instructors use it.

After making the class as engaging as possible, you can focus on deterring the students from being distracted. There are various software solutions to keep students from leaving the lecture.

Lack of social interaction

A huge, perhaps the main problem with online classes is the lack of social interaction. When all is said and done, classes should help students be more social. But it is not the case with online classes - unless you make it so.

Although it is harder to socialize in online classes, it is not impossible. You can use suitable software with the required tools to facilitate social interaction. By doing so, you ensure your students are in contact.

By the “required tools,” we mean interactive features such as quizzes and breakout rooms. Utilizing them, you can provide your students with an interactive, social, and engaging classroom.

How to set the groundwork for blended learning as a teacher?

As their teacher, you have to make the necessary preparations to provide an optimal blended learning experience for your students. Your content and methods should be adapted for the digital domain, after all.

Here's what you need to do before you begin. Upon wrapping up everything on the checklist, you're good to go!

  • Use a cloud-based solution for sharing files so that all the students can easily access the required material.
  • Find suitable online classroom software that can accommodate the needs of digital learning, such as features like breakout rooms, reactions, quizzes, and gamification tools.
  • Share the analytics with students so that students can understand and emphasize their weak points.
  • Take heed of communication, as it can be a problem in online classrooms. Be proactive, and address your students' concerns.

In a nutshell, if you can successfully solve the problems brought about by online education, the advantages of blended learning can provide a more engaging, convenient experience for both teachers and students, as it combines offline classes with online reinforcement. That's why taking advantage of e-learning solutions results in 25% to 60% more student engagement compared to traditional education.

To sum up

Hybrid and blended learning methods are rapidly rising. They are similar, but not the same.

Both of those approaches have certain elements that can make them favorable over the other. In the case of blended learning, you can utilize digital tools while still providing the students with a physical classroom.

When it comes to online lectures, you have to eliminate the problems of online education to make the most out of it. To eliminate those problems with Perculus, which has all the wonderful features you need for blended learning, contact us today!