Learning Industry

73 Critical E-Learning Statistics in 2022

Statistics are your best guides for teaching online more efficiently. E-Learning trends are great for getting an insight into what are the opportunities and options in the e-learning industry.

Let’s take a deeper look at the statistics that show the dramatic changes in the e-learning industry after the pandemic.



73 Critical E-Learning Statistics in 2022

Statistics are your best guides for teaching online more efficiently. E-Learning trends are great for getting an insight into what are the opportunities and options in the e-learning industry.

Let’s take a deeper look at the statistics that show the dramatic changes in the e-learning industry after the pandemic.


School Life

  • Almost 75% of students in the US want to continue studying online after the pandemic. Surveys show that more than half of US students (around 57%) are really optimistic about online education compared to pre-pandemic years.
  • 81% of college students agree that their grades have increased thanks to e-learning.
  • Due to a sudden need for online education in 2020, the popularity of online meeting platforms has increased dramatically. One of them, Zoom, has reached 90,000 users around the world, and it led to a 2000% increase in the user numbers.
  • Half of the learners who follow the academic curriculum prefer to switch to e-learning after 2020.
  • 40% of college students agree that e-learning is way more efficient than in-person classes. They think that the course modules are simplified, and it is more understandable for them.
  • According to Statista, 36% of students admit that e-learning has helped lessons become more structured and the teaching process more personalized. It enabled students to adapt to the learning process easier.
  • Wiley’s survey conducted with 1500 students shows that more than 50% of students register for online education because it is way more economical than an in-person college education.
  • 43% of students use online learning platforms as homework assistance.
  • The Research Institute of America states that e-learning helped the retention rate increase from 25 to 60%.
  • During normal school life, 56% of US college students use their laptops in the classroom.
  • Approximately 3 in 4 teachers think that digital content in the learning process will replace printed ones within the next couple of years.
  • One global data analysis conducted by McKinsey shows that students who spend their time on e-learning activities more than 60 minutes per week are able to perform better.
  • 12-32% of teachers think that mobile phones are useful for students when it comes to school assignments.

Corporate Life

42% of companies say that e-learning has helped their revenue increase. 72% of the companies believe that it is a competitive advantage to have e-learning options 41.7% of Fortune Global 500 companies are using e-learning technologies for training their employees. This also means that 4 in 10 companies use e-learning in their workflow. 93% of global firms have started to switch to online learning. This is because they think it is way more convenient and easier to use when the pandemic is still going on. The rate of employees who prefer to take e-learning courses during their leisure time is around 58%. Around 77% of some of the particular companies have integrated e-learning into their work which helped them accelerate the workflow. Averagely, employees have only 25 minutes weekly to spend on training. And e-learning takes 45% less time than attending the course physically, as it interrupts the workflow and creates a distraction for employees. It is predicted that the corporate e-learning market will expand an average of 11% annually, and it will reach almost $40 billion by 2026. It is more than double compared to 2019, when the market’s value was only $17 billion. 90% of companies provide digital learning opportunities for their employees. IBM saved $200 million after switching to e-learning! Plus, 44% of the new generation is more likely to spend on learning if their seniors recognize it, this is also a boosting factor for companies to embrace e-learning. Corporate online learning is expected to expand by over 250% by 2026.

What happened to online learning after the pandemic? 43% of educational institutions have started integrating e-learning modules into their curriculum for more efficient learning. 98% of the examinations held worldwide have switched to online mode, no matter how competent they are. 59% of people who participated in Wiley’s survey stated that they considered taking e-learning programs after the pandemic. By 2025, the entire global e-learning market is expected to reach $350 billion. The e-learning industry has enabled many US organizations to grow their income by 42%.

Of the rising e-learning trends statistics When it comes to the e-learning industry, we see a lot of different trends going on. These trends became popular, especially after the pandemic, as they led to technological changes in the education industry occurring faster.

So, what are those trends? Let’s find out.


Mobile Learning

  • The mobile learning industry was worth $7.98 billion in 2015. When we came to 2020, which means post-pandemic, that number had increased to $22.4 billion. This means that mobile learning can reach $80.1 billion across the world by 2027.
  • The mobile learning industry has grown by almost 20% since last year. The growth rate of mobile learning is expected to reach 36.3% by 2025. This is mostly because it enables more flexibility and it is growing all the time.
  • Almost 80% of people use smartphones, and half of them use apps to learn. Also, 50% of learners use mobile applications before they go to sleep.
  • One statistic shows that mobile users are able to complete their courses 45% faster than computer users.
  • 64% of learners find it essential to access the learning process on a mobile device since it will make them feel progress. Plus, 70% of them are more motivated about learning if they use their mobile devices. This way, mobile learning can increase the engagement rate by almost 72%.


Gamification is a great way of learning since it can help us learn permanently and remember things effortlessly, especially in the e-learning industry. It is also important to know what teachers think about gamification since they are the very first observers of the students’ learning process.

  • 38% of teachers use digital games in class on a weekly basis.
  • 55% of teachers think that digital games motivate students with low performance.
  • 21% of teachers agree that digital games encourage collaboration among students.
  • 78% of teachers believe that digital games have helped students’ mastery improve in a curricular way.


Microlearning enables people to remember things easily since it is aimed at giving the exact information that users need. It is basically a short form of course with shorter attention requirements.

  • People spend 10 minutes only for microlearning while they have to spend more than - 30 minutes for normal courses. It is accelerating the learning process by almost 300%.
  • According to a study, we intend to forget 50% of the things we learn within an hour and almost 80% of them if they are not reinforced. That is where microlearning shows up as a savior.
  • When microlearning is used as a reinforcement, we can remember 80% of what we have learned after 60 days.
  • 4 out of 5 L&D professionals approve of microlearning since their learners prefer this method.
  • Microlearning creates more engagement among trainees (around 50%).


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is a rising technology throughout the world. And, of course, it got into the education world eventually. It aims to improve the learner's experience and provide a personalized learning process.

Here are some statistical facts about AI.

According to Forbes, 50% of enterprises were planning to spend on AI tech in 2021, and 20% of them report huge amounts of increases to their budgets. The education industry comprises 8% of AI usage. AI is used worldwide, and the US is the 1st country on the list with its huge amount of usage. AI technology is predicted to reach a 33.2% of growth rate by 2027. The use of AI in the education and learning industry was expected to expand by 47.5% before 2022.

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR technology is getting popular among schools and colleges, aka in the education industry. There are surprising numbers about this technology.

With the technological developments in the education industry, it has become crucial for trainers to adapt themselves to the new e-learning trends. These trends enable trainers to know the target audience better and what people prefer during the learning process. Trainers can use these trends while planning their courses, choosing the learning tools, and deciding how to teach.

To sum up, we can say that trainers can give better education if they become tech-savvy and keep themselves updated with the new developments.


Trendy Features of Perculus in the Online Learning Industry

Course Flow

The Course Flow feature of Perculus is one of the time-saving tools for trainers while they are preparing for their online classes. It is so easy to use and helps trainers get organized within a short time. The best part is that it can work both for online and offline classrooms.


With amazing tools at Perculus, classes will always be fun and engaging for learners. By gamifying the course content, trainers can get a lot of positive feedback from their trainees.

Perculus provides ice-breakers, funny assessments, course flow, and videoconferencing for trainers. These features can be helpful for trainers to gamify their courses.

Breakout Rooms

Sometimes, trainers may struggle with organizing breakout rooms. At Perculus, it is so much easier. Trainers can set up their breakout rooms before the class and avoid the time waste during the class.

While adding breakout rooms to your course flow, Perculus also offers trainers to add games or To-Dos to each group in the breakout rooms.

For more information about our Advanced Breakout Rooms, don’t forget to check our website!

Video Conferencing

With its inclusive video conferencing features, Perculus provides the most appealing virtual classroom experience. In a single session, 50 cameras can be seen on screen. This way, it will be easier to monitor the cameras.

Learning Analytics

Learning analytics will be trainers’ favorite when it comes to checking the statistics of their courses and their students. It basically helps trainers know what’s going on during the course both overall and individually.

With the help of the Perculus Engagement Index, trainers can track every attendee's classroom activities. This Index also provides personalized engagement scores.

To sum up

People get used to and adopt many innovations that seem impossible at first. This also applies to e-learning.

Statistics show how widely e-learning is being adopted. These technologies will help the education industry improve the learning experience. Gamification, VR, mobile learning, and many other developments are emerging to meet the needs.

As time goes by and education technology develops nonstop, we will continue to feel surprised by dramatic statistics

Don’t forget to check our features on our website that will improve your e-learning experience.