Features and Comparisons

6 Best Astrology Tools for An Online Astrology Training

Are you giving astrology training? You’ll love these astrology tools.
Astrology is a fascinating heritage of human culture, with almost all societies in the world having some roots in this mystical tenet. There is a high demand to learn and explore astrology in our day as well.



Birth Chart Reading

Reading a birth chart is one of the first things that an astrology trainer will include in the training program. Also known as a natal chart, a birth chart is a unique karmic map that gives insight into someone’s personality from mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

A birth chart is visually represented as a diagram according to the positions of the planets considered in Vedic astrology: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.

For online training, Perculus’s astrology software helps you draw birth charts based on birth information. Then your trainee can learn to read these birth charts.

Daily Horoscope

As one of the most popular astrology tools, Daily Horoscope offers daily predictions for one’s Moon sign and helps people think about and plan their days ahead. Even though it is usually called “daily,” the horoscope tool includes weekly and monthly readings as well.

Daily horoscope tools have additional features for improved user experience, including optional push notifications. You can also learn how horoscope readings are divided into specific themes such as health, financial situation, and romantic relationships. It is fun to learn how periodical horoscope tools work.


Numerology Calculator

Numerology is the science of numbers, as the name suggests. It is based on the idea that there is a relationship between numbers and the characteristics of people. This interesting astrological study looks at how significant numbers such as one’s birth date or the numerical values of the letters in their name influence their life.

Numerology Calculator is a tool that comes up with a formula to create a numerology chart to analyze one’s numbers to reveal knowledge about someone’s character, relationships, and even the past and future.

It is one of the ways online astrology training gives you information about yourself based on significant numbers that help you achieve success.

Dasa Bhukti Calculator

Even though it is not so popular, Dasa Bhukti Calculator is quite insightful in analyzing how major and minor planet periods may impact a person’s life. Dasa is mainly about a planetary cycle that starts according to the location of the Moon in a star at the time of one’s birth, while Bhukti is about the minor planetary periods.

So, Dasa Bhukti reflects planetary periods in which certain planets rule during specific times.

The tool calculates and displays the Dasa Bhukti periods where the positive and negative impacts of the planet's movement are seen. The effects differ according to the planet that rules and the position of the Moon.

When you learn how to analyze Dasa Bhukti details through the tool, you can gain valuable insight into various significant aspects of someone’s life.

Planetary Transits

Planetary transits play an important role in astrology. It refers to nine planets in Vedic astrology having the capability to influence people’s lives in major and minor ways. These impacts are dependent on the planets' capacity for movement, i.e., Mercury moving very fast while Saturn is very slow.

Using date, time, and location information, the tool for planetary positions displays the locations of planets as well as passage patterns. It is among the merits of an online astrology training program to help you interpret the impacts of the transits of various planets.

Sade Sati Calculator

Sade Sati is the phase of life that comes with unsettling feelings and bad luck. According to Vedic astrology, it happens when the most malefic planet, Saturn, passes over Moon and affects one’s mind negatively. Although Sade Sati brings hardships to one’s life and influences decision-making, other planetary positions are also considered in the analysis.

Sade Sati Calculator is the tool that lets you know if you are undergoing this period of Saturn passage in your birth chart. In this approach, the Moon sign is another factor in seeing the financial, social, and marital implications of the Sade Sati period. A certified online astrology training can teach you how to read and interpret the calculator.


Key Takeaways

Online astrology training does not require much infrastructure. You can step into fully interactive courses with only a basic computer or laptop and an internet connection. Furthermore, you can enjoy the advantage of learning at home, where you feel most comfortable.

These tools are extremely useful to give you a solid basis in astrology study and exposure to predicting. The type of online training you are following will lead you through the most relevant software and apps on which you can play with these tools.

With Perculus, you can move your online astrology training many steps further.