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Perculus: 6 Questions, Answered About Astrology Training

While astrology promises a lifestyle full of creativity, it is one of the most puzzling aspects of our human culture. Hence, there is so much to learn about this inspiring craft regardless of one's intention to:

  • Get a grasp of the astrology basics or drill deep and
  • Become a certified astrologist.

Many astrology training institutions around the world curate the most suitable curriculums to introduce a life-changing set of ideas and various methodologies. In recent years, online astrology training has become a trend with a variety of webinars, applications, and software.

Indeed, online astrology training offers many practicalities for people at every level. Here we will answer five common questions regarding astrology training. Knowing what your students are curious about, you can give them what they really need.

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What are the foundations to learn about?

6-questions-answered-about-astrology-training-in-perculus-2.jpg As astrology can get quite deep, it might be confusing for beginners to differentiate what is essential and what is advanced. Although the courses and trainers are specialized in these issues, having a general idea can help trainees decide where to start and what program to follow.

The first step is to learn the signs and planets used in the astrological chart, their glyphs, and their representations. Learners can build upon these basics on their own if they keep them in mind.

Using internet resources to get to know different astrologers is also a worthwhile idea to know what to expect. Beginners who have good foundations can begin studying more advanced topics such as reading charts and interpreting planets' relationships as early as possible.

What are some main types of astrology?

6-questions-answered-about-astrology-training-in-perculus-3.jpg Far away from being a uniform craft, astrology diverges into different specialties. Before starting astrology training, knowing some main currents in astrology might help trainees to think and decide.

The most in-demand astrology programs teach natal astrology, a branch of astrology that focuses on one’s birth chart.

Among the types of natal astrology, modern astrology is a popular school based on a psychological and personality-based interpretation of astrology. It is suitable for newcomers who are looking for a better sense of why people are who they are.

Traditional western astrology is another type that helps people analyze present life circumstances and prepare for the future.

Vedic Astrology, rooted in India, is a spiritual tradition. It is the right choice for those who have some previous experience in astrology and wish to integrate it holistically into their way of living. It offers remediation such as mantras or dietary adjustments based on one’s chart.

Some astrology schools extend beyond natal astrology. For example, locational astrology looks at one’s compatibility with geographical locations, and electional astrology helps people plan the best dates for an event or a decision.

Relationship astrology and medical astrology, as their names tell, take care of one’s relationship and medical situation. These branches do not refer to one’s birth chart.

How long does it take to learn astrology?

6-questions-answered-about-astrology-training-in-perculus-4.jpg This is one of the most prevalent questions that pop up when it comes to astrology training. Especially newbies want to know how much they can progress in a certain amount of time. The learning pace depends on two primary factors that revolve around motivation.

A person's previous experience with astrology is the first factor that determines the pace. If one’s astrology knowledge is confined to the names of zodiac signs, then you will have to start from the basics. However, if you are interested enough, you can progress very quickly.

Another critical point is how much you want to delve deep into astrology. Most people are curious about how astrological processes work, such as generating and reading charts. This is also the part that makes money and is quicker to learn.

However, if you are more interested in the mythology and reasoning behind astrology, then you must be immersed in theory for a longer time.

What kinds of courses are available for training?

6-questions-answered-about-astrology-training-in-perculus-5.jpg There is a myriad of astrology programs, from short-term courses to comprehensive ones that offer a diploma. Certified courses let you hold a certificate to make money out of astrology.

You can decide which course to follow by thinking about your aim in learning astrology and how much effort you are available to put in.

Online astrology training has several options, just like the on-site courses. Some online courses allow you to complete tasks at your own pace. This flexibility is a plus, but you should have a high level of motivation and self-discipline.

Webinar-based classes take more time than self-managed classes, but they offer you a consistent learning experience by letting you have actual interactions with professional astrologists.

How are software and digital tools used in astrology?

6-questions-answered-about-astrology-training-in-perculus-6.jpg In the age of digital transformation, astrology has also become tech-driven. In particular, manual calculations lost popularity as computing power increased with the rise of software. Now astrologists and astrology trainees have more time to focus on analysis and interpretation.

Astrology software today helps astrologists make accurate planet position calculations and visualize these positions using their symbols. It also stores individuals' data in database files, some of which integrate the comprehensive Astrodatabank database. Other popular digital tools include birth chart applications and daily horoscope tools.

Digital tools in astrology allow you to run charts on your own once you start advancing in astrology. That’s why a suitable astrology training program is the one that will help you use them since these tools make analysis far easier by saving astrology from the manual hassles.

Why Perculus to give online astrology training?

Astrology is a complicated but rewarding field. You can explore the human condition profoundly and unleash your creativity by stepping into the world of astrology. Sharing knowledge is also an essential part of wisdom.

Perculus, knowing the complexity of the subject, offers an embedded tool specific to astrologers. The platform enables you to work on a birth chart with learners in training. With this tool, we aim to provide you with a more practical, informative, and interactive online astrology course. Contact us to learn more.