Learning Industry

E-Learning Challenges and Effective Ways to Overcome Them

Even though we live in a time of cutting-edge technology and a highly dynamic digital environment, e-learning still faces some difficulties. There are differences in the outcomes of education in a traditional classroom and an online classroom.

If you are a professional in the field and are interested in this subject, keep reading to find out the challenges and their solutions for e-learning.



E-Learning: Smoothest Learning Experience Possible

According to data collected in Europe, more European Union citizens—27% of those between the ages of 16 and 74—reported accessing e-learning resources or taking online courses in 2021 than did so in 2020.

The data shown above indicate that e-learning has a promising future. So large institutions have put money into this market, investing in technology and increasingly interactive classes, as well as small content producers who have created channels and free courses.

Thus, teaching online is advantageous for teachers and tutors since these professionals gain new job opportunities, as well as schedule flexibility. Therefore, it is very worthwhile to teach online, even if this modality presents some challenges!

Photo classroom model with lapto concept for online courses .jpeg

Top challenges of e-learning

  • According to Statista, one of the main issues with e-learning, according to 38% of parents, is that their students lose the motivation to participate and focus in class.
  • Also, Pew Research found that 65% of students chose in-person instruction over online or hybrid courses.
  • These statistics show that education professional constantly faces challenges in their journey. Regardless of the professional's choice, those who overcome barriers can take advantage of more opportunities, and distance learning is one of them. Overcoming the challenges of this modality requires versatility, adaptation, and communication.

Check out the main challenges and learn how to overcome them!

1-Difficulty in diversifying content

The difficulty in diversifying and offering content in e-learning is a challenge pointed out by many teachers. Many professionals are making the transition from the traditional to the online environment, and this brings some roadblocks, such as the way to offer content. In the traditional method, there are pre-established schedules, course menus, and defined timetables.

In the case of e-learning, you are free to decide on these issues, and this can become a challenge. It is certain that just migrating the activities performed in the classroom to the online environment will not work.

How to overcome: You can try to offer interesting, interactive content and, whenever possible, talk to students and check what they think of the methodology.

With informative games and activities, you can foster enjoyable collaboration in your classes. While receiving the greatest statistics for your class, assess your students in the most enjoyable way you can with Perculus.

2-Interaction with students

Interaction with students is another challenge in e-learning, but one that you can easily solve. In this case, technology should work as an ally, and the student should feel important and heard, even at a distance.

How to solve: The use of virtual classrooms is a crucial solution in web-based distance education because it makes up for the absence of peer-to-peer classroom instruction qualities in e-learning. Currently, Perculus provides peer-to-peer interaction between student-instructor and student-student, which is one of the main challenges in e-learning.


3-High default rates

The default rate is still the biggest reason for dropouts. This dropout hurts the lecturer, the course, and the student themselves, who ends up losing the rhythm of their studies and often never returns to class.

How to solve: To get around this, you should think of options that help the student to stay in the course. In addition, the teacher should also constantly talk to the students and check what their expectations and realities are.

Sometimes default is not the only factor that leads to dropping out - it is usually accompanied by dissatisfaction with the classes, demotivation, and lack of perspective.

4-Lack of student dedication

Student indiscipline is experienced by all teachers, whether in classrooms or online platforms. In face-to-face environments, side conversations, lack of attention, and rowdiness are the most common problems.

In the case of the digital environment, dropping out of some subjects, lack of commitment to study, and finally dropping out of the course are the most frequent problems.

How to solve: With Perculus, you may design interesting educational games for your live session. Collaborative exercises and a range of evaluation options keep learners interested, maintain a sense of pleasure, and improve learning.

The best e-learning opportunities with Perculus

Online learning is a successful approach to providing education. This niche will only grow in the coming years and will bring great opportunities for teachers and professionals who intend to invest in this area.

In this regard, Choosing the right platform for online learning is the first step. And, in truth, one of the most important. To overcome the challenges of distance learning and have really interesting classes and courses, try Perculus for free.