Learning Industry

Blended Learning vs. Hybrid Learning: Differences & Similarities

Hybrid learning and blended learning methods are on the rise. A digitalization process in education solutions is underway, just like in every industry.

Even though we commonly use the terms "hybrid" and "blended" learning, you might be confused about the difference between them. The two terms are often used interchangeably, which adds to the confusion.

  • So, what exactly are hybrid and blended learning?
  • What characterizes the thin line between them?
  • What perks and disadvantages do they have over one another?

Stay tuned and learn.



What are blended and hybrid learning methods?

Both blended learning and hybrid learning essentially refer to the same notion: The education approach that combines online materials with in-person attendance.

In both approaches, students have the opportunity to benefit from online materials regardless of their location. In addition, both approaches offer this flexibility.

This is why** students love e-learning methods - up to 82% of them prefer hybrid learning over traditional ones!**

What is the difference between blended and hybrid learning?

Blended learning and hybrid learning - are often confused. They have a lot in common, after all. But they are not identical.

Hybrid learning model

In hybrid learning, there’s a physical classroom where the lessons take place. The students can choose to attend the lesson face-to-face. They can also connect to the lesson online, without having to come to school. In that sense, we have both online and in-person students for the same lesson, which is why we call this approach hybrid.

Blended learning model

In blended learning, the classes are either online or physical - not both. If classes take place in a classroom, there's no online attendance. Everyone has to be in the class. In the case of online classes, everyone should be online.

Both approaches reinforce the physical learning process with digital opportunities, trying to find the sweet spot to maximize the output. However, in this process, they have to compromise on certain aspects. This is what makes hybrid and blended methods favorable over one another based on the priorities of the class.

Pros and cons of each approach

As both approaches have a lot in common, their pros and cons are similar, too.

+ Higher performance with e-learning

For example, digital learning improves the performance of students. A study from 2018 suggests students who used e-learning methods performed better than the control group, which only used traditional methods.

+ Flexible learning schedule

We also know that both approaches are more flexible than traditional education. Students have the opportunity to watch classes online and access their material anywhere, which is a huge convenience.

- Engagement as a challenge

As for the cons, engagement is a huge problem. Kent State University found out that online students are more prone to be distracted than their in-person peers, proving the obvious. However, this problem can be solved. You can enhance your students' focus by using online classroom software that improves engagement with required tools, such as Perculus.

- Need to boost social interaction

Another disadvantage of e-learning is the lack of social interaction. A school is a place where students should socialize, after all. Digital learning comes short on that front. But again, suitable software solutions for online classes can help overcome this issue.

Utilizing various tools like breakout rooms and gamification, you can break the ice between the students. This will not only help them socialize but increase their engagement as well.

Those were the common advantages and disadvantages of hybrid and blended learning methods. Let us break down what they have over one another:

  • In hybrid learning, students attend the class both online and in person.

This creates a problem for the teacher, as it is harder to manage both groups from the physical realm. In addition to that, it is not convenient for the students from either group to communicate.

  • In blended learning, everyone is either online or present in the classroom.

This eliminates the hassle of communication. It is easier for everyone to talk to one another. This way, blended learning does not have to compromise the efficiency of the traditional education method.

  • The blended learning approach isn’t as flexible as hybrid learning.

Then again, despite being more efficient when it comes to physical classes, blended learning does not let the students choose where they want to attend their lessons.

Take a homesick student as an example. They cannot attend a physical class in the comfort of their own home in blended learning. Hybrid learning, on the other hand, offers this convenience.

You can determine how you want to approach digital learning based on your and your students' needs. Each method has something unique to offer. Choose your way.

How to get ready for online learning?

Whichever method you choose, there are certain points to keep in mind to get started with blended or hybrid learning. You should make sure that your class is suitable for online education.

Here is what you can do to overcome the problems of hybrid and blended learning to facilitate a productive digital class.

Find a cloud-based solution for your file-sharing needs. Uploading and accessing online materials can be an unnecessarily hard problem for large classes. Instead, you can bring into play a reliable cloud solution for your class and make sure everyone uses it.

Standardize the programs and tools you use for class. It is impossible to keep things smooth if everyone uses a different tool for every task. By standardizing your software, you can save time and effort for everyone in your class.

Use online classroom software matching your conditions. The power of a virtual classroom depends on meeting certain requirements. You should use a platform that aligns with the needs of online education.

For example, a breakout room feature is a must to facilitate social interaction. Gamification and quizzes, on the other hand, will help you increase student engagement.

Hear your students. An important burden of online education is a lack of communication, which is detrimental to motivation. You don't want that in your class.

So, be proactive, and communicate with your students. Hear what they need to be more motivated and engaged.

In a nutshell as a farewell

Blended and hybrid learning methods combine physical attendance with digital tools. While students can attend the same class both online and in person, this is not the case in blended learning, which has either fully online or fully physical lessons. Those approaches share the common perks and burdens of digital learning.

They also prove themselves favorable to one another under different circumstances. By ensuring your class meets the requirements of online learning, you can use both approaches in the most optimal way.

Through its robust features cut out for e-learning, Perculus is the right platform to ensure that. Contact us today!